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What We Do for Employers

Simple solutions. Better results.
Everything employers need.


The cure for decision fatigue.

Introducing our Innovations Hub:
a carefully curated portfolio of point solutions

  • Two-way data integration with each point solution in our portfolio
  • Diverse clinical solutions to meet wide-ranging population health needs
  • In-depth vetting and consultation to find the right mix of solutions for each employer
  • Ongoing optimization around ease of use, engagement, health outcomes and ROI
  • Total flexibility to integrate with an employer’s current vendors

Goodbye, administrative

With its centralized hub, Celeste removes the burden of managing point solutions from HR and optimizes everything—including costs.

Consolidated contracting, billing and eligibility

  • One contract and streamlined billing
  • Favorable market pricing driven by large-scale purchasing power and pre-negotiated rates
  • Coordination of member eligibility requirements across solutions

Turnkey plug-and-play implementation

  • Quick uptake and streamlined go-live
  • Flexibility to change and add solutions

Aggregated reporting and independent ROI assessment

  • Corrects for bias and ensures accountability
  • Simplifies performance measurement

Population health solutions that fit your population.

Leveraging deep analysis of each population, Celeste develops actionable insights and targeted strategies for the specific challenges employers face:

  • Members with little to no claims history
  • Workers in high-turnover jobs
  • Women with high-risk pregnancies
  • Those struggling with health inequity
  • Those predisposed to certain disease states